Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blog : #14

I had a good week and I am so tired!! I have one more week of hyperbaric treatments before I can have a break. That will be 40 treatments!! WOW!! Time sure does fly by!! It never ceases to amaze me how I will reach a point of not knowing how to pay for my next weeks treatments and the Lord just surprises me! Two months of treatments and so many other things and we have been able to stay above water! We are coming up on some new treatments that I need to start and I know the Lord will help us with them as well.

One of them is my enzyme treatments. I will be taking enzymes very aggressively over the next couple of months because they will go straight to the cancer and attack the cell walls. Yay!! That is just what I want to hear!

Oh, by the way, I was talking to my naturalists and they have been helping me with my neck and Friday one of them gave me some acupuncture therapy. It gave me instant relief! It was actually quite incredible. Then he used pressure points as well, I was just amazed at how well it gave me relief!! As I was lying on the table he prayed for me and my healing. Where do you ever run across doctors like that?!!! It was very encouraging!! I find myself praying that the Lord will continue to bless their ministry. So many people need them.

Speaking of needing them, a friend has an aunt who was diagnosed with breast cancer and she is going to start seeing my doctors a week from Monday. Say some prayers for her, she will be renting a duplex from month to month for as long as she needs to be in the area. It won't be easy for her. I'm going to do whatever I can to help her out. :)

Well, I have one more week and then a break! ahhhh! Can't wait!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got some relief for your neck and that is awesome that you have that kind of doctor! I'll keep your friend's aunt in my prayers, too.

    Enjoy your upcoming break!

    Love you
