Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#  86

In the middle of Bible Study tonight I had a WOW moment.  I'm not sure what made me think about it, but I just realized that I have Breast Cancer that has gone to my lymph nodes, to my bone, to my marrow, to my brain, to my liver and even a little fluid in my lungs.  On top of that I have developed lymphodema from the radiation to  my right hip.  I am still here!  Does this seem incredible to anyone else?  It makes me weepy when I think of all that God has brought me through.  At one point we were discussing my death because a tumor had wrapped around my C2 vertebrae and we weren't sure I would make it through the week!  Then a year later I'm on my death bed, nothing but skin and bones again discussing funeral arrangements.  Now here I am, brain radiated to stop that growth, all other cancer spots are receding and it is trying to grow in my liver.  I am getting the strong feeling that the devil is really fighting to get rid of me!  Nice to know that God is still in control of what goes on in my body.

I feel like the Cassie's tea is really helping, but we will see.  And not just that, I still feel very strongly that God wants me to stick around for a while.  First, the tumor in my neck was taken care of so miraculously it was obvious it was God.  Second, the raised tumor marker numbers when it went to my marrow...after one treatment of chemo I was like a new person.  Thirdly, it goes to my brain and I show no symptoms...ever!  Then my numbers start to rise again and it shows up in my liver and I still feel good and show no signs that my numbers are up!!  It's like watching a live battle between God and Satan and with every feeble attempt the devil makes God chuckles and says, "Don't worry, sweetheart, I got you covered."  I love it!!  God has taken care of me every step of the way and He does it in such a way that only He can receive the glory!!  I'm soooo thankful!!  I said a while ago that God can cure me with whatever He wants; chemo, naturally, an instant miracle, however He wants so I trust Him.  And I love seeing Him use all these different ways to do it.  I was so ready to do whatever the doctor said, then when he started to work against me, I went totally natural.  Both worked for me.  And now I am having to combine the two but the difference is that I have a doctor who cares for me and prays for me and lets me do both.  I totally know God brought us to East Tennessee for me to have the doctor that I have right now.  He has taken care of every need that I have had... the doctor, and most importantly God.  He as allowed me to work with the teens which is something that just burdens my heart and I'm so thankful He opened that door.  I find trusting Him gets easier every day as He opens my doors for me to walk through and all I want to do is share with others what He has done for me.  I hope I can do it in such a way that will bring glory to His name.  He is worthy of all glory and praise!!

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