Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog # 18

It has been hard to sit at the computer and type so it has taken me a while to be able to blog. But, I am feeling so good today, and I'm sure I will be feeling this good and better from now on, that blogging can be back in my routine once again. It's nice to be able to let everyone know what's been going on and how to pray.

I gave a brief description of what happened and how I ended up in the hospital. So I just wanted to let you know what's happened since then. The hospital stay was long and very difficult. I hurt beyond description when I would sit up or stand so they kept me on strong pain meds during the first half of the week. Every test and scan I would have to slide from bed to bed and using the bathroom was extremely painful. But after the radiation it slowly started to reduce the pain. After two days I could walk to the bathroom and sit in the shower! I can't tell you how wonderful that was!! By the time I hit one week of being in the hospital (2 1/2 days after radiation) I could roll over on my side without crying! I was crying from sheer joy at that point and thanking God for His incredible provision!! By Monday I knew I was going home and I couldn't stop smiling or thanking God. It felt like I was released from prison!

Being at home was a little harder than expected. I had a hard time getting in and out of bed and the pain meds kept me pretty loopy and nauseous. So a week of readjusting and I was starting to get back into a routine of healthy food and vitamins and herbs. Literally my body started to detox again. It wasn't pleasant. But after two hyperbaric dives I feel soooo much better, I can't wait to see what I am going to feel like on Friday!!

I am going to sign off and fill you in more later. I just wanted to fill in some gaps. On my next blog we will discuss what's going on inside of me. :)

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