Tuesday, June 12, 2012

#  89

I just love how the little things make me soooo happy!!  My in-laws got me a swing for my birthday and I have wanted a swing all my married life.  But I was only ever to have one for about 3 years while we were in  Virginia.  Every other place didn't have a place for a swing so we would settle for benches and our wicker furniture.  Well, Ben hung my swing under our deck and it is awesome!!  He cleaned it all out, brought down the wicker chairs and love seat and made a small fire pit in the middle, just out from under the deck.  It is beautiful!!!  Our bedroom is downstairs so I just walk out the basement door in the morning and sit in my swing and have my Bible study....watching the birds, looking at the mountains, and I'm in the shade so I don't have to wear my hat.  It is just wonderful!!

Speaking of not needing a hat... I was rubbing the back of my head and felt a fuzzy patch... what could this be?!  Yes!!!!  I am starting to get fuzz!!  I am sooo happy!!  Now I just have to be patient while my hair grows back in...it is really hard to be patient!!  I had a follow up appoint with my radiologist today and because I am doing so well he said I can get off of the STEROIDS!!!!!!  WOO!  HOO!!  I am soooooooo thankful!!  And he also prescribed some more physical therapy to help with the fibrous scar tissue in my hip and bottom.  I am so thankful and just relieved.  My oncologist scheduled an MRI for Thursday so I will know next Tuesday what is going on in my brain, but I don't feel worried at all since I haven't had one symptom!  Actually, that is why the doctor isn't worried about me coming off the steroids and he feels really good about me not having had any side effects at all.  It all is looking really good and I just can't help but know that my God is taking care of me in ways I can and can't see.  He amazes me!

And more good news!  I found a jewelry store that repairs jewelry in store and they will repair and size my wedding set for $95!  So I am going to do them one ring at a time.  My diamond ring will cost the most because the prongs holding the diamond have gotten very thin so I am repairing that one first. I am sooo excited to get it done!  They are sizing it too so no more cutting my rings off!!  :))  It has just been a week of good news and I have been overcome with gratitude and feeling so unworthy!

I find that as I am going through everyday life and God keeps moving and blessing, that I just want people to know who He is and how much He loves us and takes care of us.  I so want people to see Christ not me.  I really haven't done anything but go where He has sent me.  I have difficult days and I know I'm no one special and that is what I want people to know.  I just follow His lead, which is what He wants all of us to do.  Follow Him...trust Him...and He will take care of you, He will go with you every step of the way.  Thank-you Father for loving me and reminding me that you love me.  I wear my Irish Claddagh ring on my thumb reminding me that He holds my heart in His hands and He has placed a crown on my head.  On my other thumb I wear a ring that reminds me that there is nothing I can do to earn His love, He loves me unconditionally.  And what is even better, on the inside of the ring I have engraved..."He knows my name".  When I forget and try to earn His love and affection, it reminds me that He knows me by name, He created me to love me,  He is truly the lover of my soul and I love Him!! May I always live in a way that reflects Him!!!

1 comment:

  1. Am thankful that you're doing so well and rejoice with you over the little things! Congratulations on the fuzz, too! Wish I was there to feel it! LOL! God bless you, my friend! I love you bunches! Talk to you soon! (((HUGS)))!
