Thursday, November 1, 2012

#  102

I haven't have a chance to post my good news which makes my last post pointless except to say that I had to go through the whole weekend being very down.  I received a phone call from my doctor late Monday afternoon after having gone through the whole weekend thinking that my end was rushing at me much quicker than I was expecting.  He said he had very good news, that my scans were not read correctly.  Let me see if I can explain...I took a CT scan in Feb. of this year and another two weeks ago.  I also took a PET scan in July.  My radiologist was comparing the two CT scans which is normal procedure.  BUT, it would have very different reactions from the radiologist because in Feb I had no cancer in my liver at the time.  But in July I did.  So he was looking at growth that he thought was brand new.

My doctor noticed the discrepancy in my tumor marker numbers and called the radiologist to see what he did.  Then had him compare July with 2 wks ago.  Needless to say, he saw the cancer and how SMALL it had gotten!!  So my doctor was telling me that everyone was jumping and shouting for joy!!   Well, SO WAS I!!!  So I am sticking with this chemo for a while and we will see how small we can get this cancer to go!!  Actually it doesn't matter what the chemo does, it's all God anyway!  PRAISE GOD!!  PRAISE GOD!!

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