Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog # 26

I am starting to believe that my oncologist wants me to die! He got irate with me and told me if I didn't take his chemo pills that I would be dead in six months!! Then he told me that my husband didn't support me and that he didn't even care enough to call him back! It made for a very irritating day to say the least! Who does he think he is to plant that thought in my mind? He has no clue what I do everyday to survive this cancer!!!!!! Then he had the unmitigated gall to call me after I left to recommend another pill I could take, not CHEMO, that should do just as well. Hmmmmmmm.......let me seee....... if I don't take the chemo pills I will die, but there is this other pill that should work pretty well!! Sounds like a cheesy used car salesman trick to me!! Take this or die!! Oh, by the way, something else might work......It made for a rough day. One of my dearest friends said, "let's show him what support really is!! Let's all go in on your next visit!! There won't be enough room for all of your support, husband included!!" Amen to that, sister!!

But I am thankful that I went to dive after that horrible visit! I got to the clinic and told my N.D.'s (natural doctor's) what had happened and they prayed over me. I was so thankful that I was there with doctors that love me and care about me and love God. There really aren't words to describe how that made me feel. I just realize that I want to tell people about them and support them as much as I can! Maybe the Lord will allow me to share with others as much as I can to bring in people who need them. I pray I can.

On the flip side a long time friend is coming in to visit this weekend and I can't wait to see her!! I have known her for 25yrs and it will be sooooo good to see her and not think about all this mental stress!! Definitely makes for a good weekend! Ahhhhh!

I guess I'll go take my herbs, vitamins, ozone, etc.....then go to bed. LOL!!

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