Friday, June 25, 2010

Blog : #3

I have been going to three weeks of hyperbaric treatment.... I am feeling really great!! And yes, I am also doing coffee enema's. They will clean out the liver and keep it in tip top condition so the cancer will not settle there. I had never even heard of such a thing but my naturalists gave me info on them and had me order coffee from Canada expressly for that purpose. I have had friends taking me for my treatments so I have enjoyed the conversations but it is nice as well for them to see where I am going and to know what all I am learning.

Food: I forgot to mention breads yesterday. They turn to sugar in your system but if you are eating store bought bread, the nutrients are gone by the time you get them. If you can grind your own wheat then immediately make the bread you will receive all the nutrients. As for the flour you buy, there are no nutrients left. It needs to be freshly ground. The Health Master can be used as a mill as well to grind your wheat to flour. Very cool!

I found a website yesterday that talked about the ph of food. It said that people assume that citrus fruit is acidic. But it actually causes alkaline to be produced in your stomach. Very good news for when I can have fruit back in my diet. I love orange juice!! One of the highest acid producers is lobster and scallops... :( that makes me very sad!!

Oh, Good News!!! I talked to my oncologist and asked if he would monitor my blood tests to see if what I am doing is helping and he said he would and that I can get tested every three months. That is a huge answer to prayer!! He was really determined to have me do chemo again. I told him yesterday that I didn't want to do chemo and wanted to pursue all natural remedies and he said he would do what ever I wanted and would support my decision!! That is just incredible!! So, in ten weeks I go in for a ct scan and bone scan. I can't wait to see what they find...or what they don't find!! :)

Thank-you all for the comments and support!! I will try to add to this every day. At least so you will know what is going on in my life and what I am facing.

I don't think I have shared the financial side of this just some large figures. I have to drive one hour to the clinic five days a week and it is $50.00 a day. We have already purchased one piece of equipment which was $2500.00. The doctors are discussing different treatments that they may pursue, and I am looking at continuing the hyperbarics for months. I know I am in for a large financial adventure but I have had some friends and family volunteer to help raise money.
I am trying to find a job as well to see if I can help make ends meet that way as well. I'm not sure how any of this will work out but I know that I am pursuing the right direction and I know God will provide a way. "I feel it in my bones" LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome about the tests! (So I guess I have to back off just a tiny bit, some doctors can budge an inch...they have to get their money somewhere else HA!) Thank you again for doing this and sharing. I'm learning new stuff every day and can't wait to get my Health Master!! Praying for you daily, my friend :o)
