Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blog : #6

Today was a long day, and sometimes I feel like it is all starting to run together. I have to stop and remind myself that I am doing this to survive this nasty disease called cancer!! Sometimes I want to be like Thor Ramsey and say "Eat a twinkie....see God!" It would be a sweet way to go, of course pun intended!! LOL!! But back to the healthy side of life.

I got on Swanson's website this morning and found some Himalayan salt that I can have!! It isn't processed and when digested creates an alkaline base instead of acidic. It is actually good for you!! What good news for those of us who can't do salt for what ever reason. Swanson's is a great resource for pursuing healthy remedies and they always have good sales. They have Kyo-Green that I need for my juicing recipe and flaxseed oil as well. I have heard about a daily supplement that is supposed to be great for the immune system. I am going to research it and tell you what I find. If it works like I have heard, it will be incredible and great for making your immune system recognize cancer cells and kill them. That sounds good to me!


  1. I'm sure it is hard to stick with this, but you are doing an awesome job and remembering what and who you are doing all this for! (easy for me to say, I know!)

    As a salt freak with some blood pressure issues, I will have to check out the new salt - thanks! :)

    You are inspiring me to try to make healthier choices.

    Love you, Bird!

  2. Robin, we are excited to see what God will do through this new treatment. Our prayers are with you. Tell all the family hello.
    Dave and Gaye Nobles

  3. Just hooked up with your blog today on the recommendation from someone at church.

    Robin, I'm a 6 year leukemia survivor, so cancer can be beat. Stay strong in your faith because this will help you stay positive. How? With God you're in a win-win situation. It doesn't matter if He leaves you here a bit longer or calls you Home...either way you win!

    God bless and keep you today and always.

  4. Psalm 23:5 "You prepare a table before me IN THE PRESENCE of my enemies." In the face of our enemies...which to me would clearly be here where our enemies run roughshod...God is preparing a banquet for you. I'm having to reconsider what that banquet includes...clearly not sugar and BBQ, LOL...but I love watching God work through your situation and having the opportunity to walk through it with you. Enjoy your banquet! ;o) Love you girl!
