Monday, November 1, 2010

Blog #28

I went to St. Thomas today for a bone scan and a CT scan. I hate CT scans and the nasty stuff they make you drink!! It all seemed to go well and I am feeling very optimistic about what God is going to do. I have had my ovaries out for two months so everything I am doing is going directly against the cancer. It makes me feel very optimistic. But I still don't trust my oncologist with whatever news I will receive on Thursday when I see him, so I am going to call my primary care physician and see if he can get my results and let me know what they were. I have a feeling even if everything has shrunk he will say there is still evidence of growth and that I need to start chemo. So I want the opinion of my doctor who is a Christian and actually wants to help me. It is hard to consider even looking at my oncologist again, let alone hearing him give me results like he cares when I know he does not.

But, I have been enjoying my week off of hyperbaric dives. I have been working around the house and cleaning out closets and the garage. It has felt great to get some things clean!! I cleaned out my closet of all my fat clothes.....and 18 trash bags later....I don't know what in the world I am going to wear this winter!!! It is truly a pleasant problem that I will have fun remedying. To go from a size 20 to a 12 and have the 12's be loose, it's hysterical!! My behind is gone!! I don't remember the last time I had that problem! :) (sigh) I can live without one of those since I have had one the whole first half of my life!! LOL!! Ninety-nine cent Wednesday's at Goodwill are really starting to look good. I only have three pair of jeans that are the right size so I have been checking out Goodwill every week. So far, three dollars for three pair of jeans, not bad!!

Any who...on to bed after enzymes, herbs, vitamins, etc..... I won't stop till they tell me it's all gone! Even then I won't ever be able to go back to the way things were. I've learned too much to go back now. Life is funny isn't it? How things come into our life, how it changes us and we are never the same. I have taken what I've learned out of necessity and seen the value and truth of it, knowing it has gone against everything I have ever learned or been taught. Now I find myself telling others because truth is truth and others need to hear it....sounds like salvation doesn't it? Well, I pray that my scans were positive so that I may continue telling others the "truth". But you know what? It is all in God's hands anyways. If He wants to take me home He can and I will be happy to go. I just pray for the opportunity to continue here for a little while longer, there is so much I want to do for Him. But He does know what's best! And I'm thankful.

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