Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blog : #8

You know, I have a hard time with people I know struggling with cancer after everything I have been through. I just want to shout to people that they need to listen and change their lives!! We truly are what we eat!! All this food goes into our bodies and it is so processed that there isn't much left that is even beneficial to us. But how can we stop when it is so convenient to run through a drive through or put in a frozen pizza? I guess it doesn't hit us or enter our reality until a doctor says..."you have cancer". That's when our world stops and we decide to do whatever it takes to live. Can't we get to the point where we don't want to hear those words? I have a friend in VA that they put back on chemo pills and it is so hard to hear. I want so much to force her to take oxygen and veggies and herbs and not go through that pain again. But if they don't want to, what do i do? Okay, moving on....I am looking into liquid oxygen. I have heard so much about it and the positive effects that may even speed up my recovery, I am getting excited. I will let everyone know how it goes. :) I have had very positive effects from hyperbaric treatments, I think liquid oxygen will be awesome!!

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